ShinaChosŏn (支那朝鮮), Imperial-Ching-Chosŏn (皇淸朝鮮)

Fukuzawa Yukichi (福澤諭吉, 1835-1901) employed the term 支那朝鮮, where 支那 is pronounced as しな /ʃina/ in Japanese, in his article titled 脫亞論 published in《時事新報》in March 1885. By the term, he referred to both 支那 and 朝鮮 as if they should well be lumped together as one for his scathing remarks against them. He did distinguish… Continue reading ShinaChosŏn (支那朝鮮), Imperial-Ching-Chosŏn (皇淸朝鮮)